понедельник, 1 июля 2019 г.

Soft Skills

Here's How Your Skills Stack Up:

Influencing Others
Active Listening
Problem Solving
Time Management
Decision Making
Learning Agility
Goal Setting
Managing Change
Conflict Management

Here's How Your Skills Stack Up:

Influencing Others
Active Listening
Problem Solving
Time Management
Decision Making
Learning Agility
Goal Setting
Managing Change
Conflict Management

Learn practical ways to improve your soft skills with these free guides!

All of these soft skills can be learned and continually improved upon. These guides will help you understand the kinds of behaviors that support each skill, so you can turn that insight into positive action.
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1. Self-Management

Your score: 13/25
This skill is one of the building blocks of emotional intelligence – it’s about how you manage the emotions you’re feeling at any given time, whether you’re interacting with others or working through them on your own. Rather than letting emotions control your reactions, self-management helps you to speak and act with intention.
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2. Active Listening

Your score: 17/25
Being able to listen well affects every area of your life, so whether you consider yourself a people person or not, showing others that you’re listening and understanding them is powerful. Actively listening is a requirement for building all types of relationships, so it’s foundational for finding success in your personal and professional life.
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3. Goal Setting

Your score: 17/25
Goals can be simple or complex, but one thing they cannot ever be is unclear – at least not if you’re hoping to reach them. Before you set out to achieve something, creating strong, clear goals and communicating them to others lays the foundation for seeing your desires and actions rewarded.
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4. Problem Solving

Your score: 21/25
There are multiple steps to problem solving, including finding the root cause, coming up with solutions, and following up on your solutions’ outcomes. Every organization is dealing with conundrums on a regular basis, so being a problem solver who gets to the real issue and follows through makes you invaluable to any team.
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5. Managing Change

Your score: 21/25
It’s no secret anymore that if you want to be part of a successful organization, it will require being continually adaptable, and helping others to adapt as well. A leader who facilitates change well always considers the human dynamic when shifting a process (or an entire business!) in a different direction.
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6. Influencing Others

Your score: 25/25
When you can easily influence others to see and side with your perspectives and initiatives, you’re able to get your ideas heard and complete complex tasks that require help from others. This influence is not about coercing or manipulating – it’s how you present yourself on a daily basis and interact with those who can help you accomplish meaningful work.
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7. Time Management

Your score: 25/25
Successfully managing your time involves more than keeping neat to-do lists and prioritizing emails. It starts with knowing and focusing on your personal values and what you want to accomplish with your life. Once you’ve established that deeper direction, learning how to manage your everyday tasks becomes much simpler.
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8. Decision Making

Your score: 25/25
Decisions come in all shapes and sizes, and it can often be overwhelming to ensure you’re making the correct or best decision. Understanding the five steps in the rational decision-making model helps you to reduce the anxiety involved and make a wise choice in whatever matter is before you.
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9. Learning Agility

Your score: 25/25
Being an agile learner means you’re able to take lessons from previous experiences and apply them to new and unfamiliar situations. As fast as this world changes, this skill is becoming more and more necessary if you want to advance through a rewarding career and positively impact the world around you.
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10. Conflict Management

Your score: 25/25
Whether you’re on one side of a disagreement or moderating between others, it’s important to understand how to diffuse tension before things become too heated. When conflict arises, it’s normal for people to get defensive or even aggressive, but knowing basic conflict resolution techniques helps avoid that escalation.

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